The results of the RF upper-air network performance monitoring. February 2025.

Regional administrations ranking

Observational program fulfillment
Observational program fulfillment
In the previous month | Top..

Heights of soundings
Heights of soundings
In the previous month | Top..

Weighted root-mean-square 'OB-FG' geopotential differences in 1000-100 hPa layer
Weighted root-mean-square 'OB-FG' geopotential differences in 1000-100 hPa layer
In the previous month |  Top..

Root-mean-square 'OB-FG' wind vector differences in 850-100 hPa layer
Root-mean-square 'OB-FG' wind vector differences in 850-100 hPa layer
In the previous month |  Top..

© 2005-2025, Department of operational monitoring, NTCR CAO