Date of assignment of number (necessary after 30/06/2007) Code figure for rara BUFR  (Code table 3685) Code figure for (Code table 0 02 011) notation
Not available 100 Reserved for BUFR only
1 101 Not vacant
Not available 102–106 Reserved for BUFR only
7 107 Not vacant
Not available 108–109 Reserved for BUFR only
01.01.2008 10 110 Sippican LMS5 w/Chip Thermistor, duct mounted capacitance relative humidity sensor and derived pressure from GPS height
01.01.2008 11 111 Sippican LMS6 w/Chip Thermistor, external boom mounted capacitance relative humidity sensor, and derived pressure from GPS height
06.05.2015 12 112 Jin Yang RSG-20A with derived pressure from GPS height/GL-5000P (Republic of Korea)
15.09.2010 13 113 Vaisala RS92/MARWIN MW32 (Finland)
03.11.2011 14 114 Vaisala RS92/DigiCORA MW41 (Finland)
01.12.2011 15 115 PAZA-12M/Radiotheodolite-UL (Ukraine)
01.12.2011 16 116 PAZA-22/AVK-1 (Ukraine)
02.05.2012 17 117 Graw DFM-09 (Germany)
18 118 Not vacant
15.05.2019 19 119 Polus-MRZ-N1 (Russian Federation)
20 120 Not vacant
06.05.2015 21 121 Jin Yang 1524LA LORAN-C/GL5000 (Republic of Korea)
02.05.2012 22 122 Meisei RS-11G GPS radiosonde w/thermistor, capacitance relative humidity sensor, and derived pressure from GPS height (Japan)
03.11.2011 23 123 Vaisala RS41/DigiCORA MW41 (Finland)
03.11.2011 24 124 Vaisala RS41/AUTOSONDE (Finland)
03.11.2011 25 125 Vaisala RS41/MARWIN MW32 (Finland)
07.05.2014 26 126 Meteolabor SRS–C34/Argus 37 (Switzerland)
27 127 Not vacant
15.09.2011 28 128 AVK - AK2-02 (Russian Federation)
15.09.2011 29 129 MARL-A or Vektor-M - AK2-02 (Russian Federation)
01.01.2010 30 130 Meisei RS-06G (Japan)
03.11.2011 31 131 Taiyuan GTS1-1/GFE(L) (China )
03.11.2011 32 132 Shanghai GTS1/GFE(L) (China)
03.11.2011 33 133 Nanjing GTS1-2/GFE(L) (China)
Needed 34 134 Vacant
07.05.2014 35 135 Meisei iMS-100 GPS radiosonde w/thermistor sensor, capacitance relative humidity sensor, and derived pressure from GPS height (Japan)
02.05.2018 36 136 Meisei iMDS-17 GPS dropsonde w/thermistor sensor, capacitance relative humidity sensor, and capacitance pressure sensor (Japan)
37 137 Not vacant
Needed 38–40 138–140 Vacant
03.11.2011 41 141 Vaisala RS41 with pressure derived from GPS height/ DigiCORA MW41 (Finland)
03.11.2011 42 142 Vaisala RS41 with pressure derived from GPS height/ AUTOSONDE (Finland)
07.05.2014 43 143 NanJing Daqiao XGP-3G (China)*
07.05.2014 44 144 TianJin HuaYunTianYi GTS(U)1 (China)*
07.05.2014 45 145 Beijing Changfeng CF-06 (China)*
07.05.2014 46 146 Shanghai Changwang GTS3 (China)*
47 147 Not vacant
02.05.2012 48 148 PAZA-22M/MARL-A
49 149 Not vacant
02.11.2016 50 150 Meteolabor SRS-C50/Argus (Switzerland)
51 151 Not vacant
03.11.2011 52 152 Vaisala RS92-NGP/Intermet IMS-2000 (United States)
06.05.2015 53 153 AVK – I-2012 (Russian Federation)
15.05.2019 54 154 Graw DFM-17 (Germany)
55-58 155–159 Not vacant
06.05.2015 60 160 MARL-A or Vektor-M – I-2012 (Russian Federation)
61 161 Not vacant
06.05.2015 62 162 MARL-A or Vektor-M – MRZ-3MK (Russian Federation)
07.11.2018 63 163 Modem M20 radiosonde w/thermistor sensor, capacitance relative humidity sensor, and derived pressure from GPS height (France)
07.11.2018 64 164 Modem PilotSonde GPS radiosonde (France)
Needed 65–66 165–166 Vacant
67–72 167–172 Not vacant
02.11.2016 73 173 ÌÀRL-A (Russian Federation) – ASPAN-15 (Kazakhstan)
74–76 174–176 Not vacant
15.03.2010 77 177 Modem GPSonde M10 (France)
78–81 178–181 Not vacant
07.11.2012 82 182 Lockheed Martin LMS-6 w/chip thermistor; external boom mounted polymer capacitive relative humidity sensor; capacitive pressure sensor and GPS wind                        
07.11.2012 83 183 Vaisala RS92-D/Intermet IMS 1500 w/silicon capacitive pressure sensor, capacitive wire temperature sensor, twin thin-film heated polymer capacitive relative humidity sensor and RDF wind
Needed 84 184 Vacant
85-89 185-189 Not vacant
Not available 190 NCAR research dropsonde NRD94 with GPS and Vaisala RS92-based sensor module (United States)
Not available 191 NCAR research dropsonde NRD41 with GPS and Vaisala RS41-based sensor module (United States)
Not available   192 Vaisala/NCAR dropsonde RD94 with GPS and Vaisala RS92-based sensor module (Finland/United States)                        
Not available   193 Vaisala/NCAR dropsonde RD41 with GPS and Vaisala RS41-based sensor module (Finland/United States)                        
Not available 194–196 Reserved for BUFR only
97–99 197–199 Not vacant
Not available 200–254 Reserved for BUFR only
255 Missing value
(1) References to countries in brackets indicate the manufacturing location rather than the country using the instrument.
(2) Some of the radiosondes listed are no longer in use but are retained for archiving purposes.
(3) The alphanumeric code format reports only 2 digits, and the first digit for BUFR is identified from the date: the first digit is 0 if the introduction of the radiosonde for observation was before 30 June 2007, or 1 otherwise. Entries in the second par